Live a little, love much :

We all may not get the opportunity to travel the world, or have all the things we ever hoped for, but one thing is for certain we have a life to live.

Your current life situation is what is certain, and while we may aspire for the finest things , and have dreams we want to accomplish, the present is here and we should bask in this moment that is ceratin.

Enjoy the weekend and whatever is currently happening in your life. Remember we only get this day once .

Until we talk again, live a little, love much.


Good Food

There are so many places to eat in Jamaica that sometimes it can become a challenge to choose the spot. My friend at I went for lunch at a popular place in Kingston this week and the food was so good.

Here are some pictures of the deliciousness.I had brown stew fish and my friend had the fried fish. We both had a serving of festival along with the fish.

The meal was sooo good. I will certainly be revisiting . To add to the meal, the place was clean, protocols were observed seeing that businesses are trying their best to stay afloat during this trying time.

I didn’t get to take a picture of the view because we were trying to catch up on our lives since I haven’t seen her since October 2020. However, we were overlooking the sea as we ate.

I do believe that because many persons are saying away from restaurants or working from home , there were much persons, so the service was quick and efficient.

Until my next adventure, stay safe.


Happy International Women’s Day

Choose to challenge is the theme for International Women’s Day 2021.

Challenges bring about change and, and if we as women want to effect change we must challenge the areas in which we want to effect changes. May we as women be strong, resolute, confident and resilient.

Cheers to women making changes in all area of society.

Women, we should be proud and strong.

disclaimer pictures use in this post were gathered from the internet.

Certifieddrea xoxo

Happy Love Day

May all the love your heart desires finds you in the most authentic way today and always.

Love always


Taking Stock: Episode 1

So we have survived the first month of 2021 -hooray 😊. January is usually a slow period and is also the month that some consider one of the longest of the year; and with the current state that the world is in , it felt that we were on a long winding ride.

But with that being said, how have we been doing?

Taking stock of our lives is an important thing to do. It allows us to assess our current situations whether its emotionally, spiritually, financially or physical. An assessment gives us the opportunity to make decision going forward. It is also an incling to do better or make the necessary changes for a more comfortable end results.

So, in order to take stock of our current situation we have to ask ourselves questions that relate to our personal and current state.

Questions may include:

  1. How have I being feeling lately?
  2. What are some of the things that have been happening to me or in my space lately?
  3. Am I been affected by any of these occurrences ?
  4. Have I ticked off any of my 2021 goals ?
  5. What have I implemented into my life to offset any unwelcomed emotions?
  6. What are the things that make me happy?
  7. Do I need to incorporate more “happy” times in my daily routine?
  8. Have I been procrastinating on completing tasks?
  9. Am I proud of the path taken and am I comfortable where I am now?
  10. What are the areas I need to place emphasis on?

Please be mindful that we are not all operating in the same space and under the same circumstances, so do not compare yourself to others. be reminded that in order to get to our destination, we must take the journey.

Be safe and taek care of yourself until my next post.

Certifieddrea xx

What has 2020 taught us ?

Many of us could not wait to bid 2020 goodbye . It was the year that brought the most uncertainty in all sectors of life; our faith, family, friendship , mental health and our well being were tested.

We survived! yes we did and you did because you are reading this. The tests of 2020 now become our testimonies . The lessons were many and varied, depending on how we were affected. Many of us had to pack our jobs and classrooms and take them home, some of us were wondering how to supplement the salary because the hours were ‘cut” and some were separated from their families for period of time because work had us in one country while our families were in another. Despite the challenges, we survived, and I am sure there were lessons in the madness.

  1. We were able to tap into our inner strength and survive. It was hard, but we did it.
  2. We became resourceful. We created, adapted, improvised and we challenged ourselves to use the little or whatever we had and became self sufficient.
  3. We believed that all things worked together for good. We were determined that whatever happened, we would be victorious. We could not control EVERYTHING that was happening; therefore, we lean on our faith to guide us. We prayed and here we are.
  4. We learnt that change is inevitable. The entire world changed in front our eyes and there was nothing we could do about it.
  5. It taught us that saving / investing should not be taken for granted. Many were able to continue paying their mortgages, utilities, and other expenses because of their savings or investments they made over the years.
  6. Whatever lessons were taught, use these as the guides to enter 2021 knowing our current circumstances can change at anytime.

We enter 2021 being optimist because the lessons of the past are guides for a better future.

Stay safe and love always


Life Update

It has been quite awhile since I  posted anything on this space. However, that does not mean I  have given up or loss interest in this community; I still check in as often as I can and it is quite the breaker I need after hectic days.

A lot has happen and during all these happenings I took the time to ensure that I was doing what was suppose to be done in the right manner. In saying that, between 2017-2018 I took the time to ensure that my GPA was popping. Indeed I am grateful that I did.  Shortly after finishing university, I made a decision to move away from the parish/place of birth and boy I tell you the transition did not happen as I expected.

Living in a new city can be daunting and even overwhelming at times. I move three times in less than a year ,whew ! The struggle was real. After overcoming two faulty spaces I can now say I am much more at peace and comfortable .

I also changed my job which leaves me little time after work to do a lot of things but I will not complain about that. All is good in that side of the wood. I love what I am doing and  wanted to be in this field for awhile now.

With that being said, I will make it my priority to post at least once a month because I really enjoy this community and it allows me the opportunity to learn vicariously.

In aspiring to fulfill your obligations in life and doing better for yourself and others, sometimes hurdles come and you have to sit out seasons. Now that I am in a space where I am mentally and physically more comfortable and has time I will do  more.

Thanks for reading and love always.


A day in Portland, Jamaica. 

The past weekend I gather up some of my best friends and we took a trip into Portland, Jamaica of course.  With no specific destination in mind; we travel along hoping to choose one of the many beautiful beaches the parish has to offer and relax for the day. Portland is just one of those scenenic and beautiful parish in Jamaica that you just can’t get enough off. 

We ended up visiting three places ; we stopped at the Winnifred Beach, Sea Cliff Resort /Cliff Hanger and the famous Reach Falls.  The day was perfect;  the weather was great, the sea was calm and most of all, everyone enjoyed themselves .

        Winnifred Beach

A bit difficult to get because of the road due to the recent rains, but once we got there we forget about the bad road. 

         Cliff Hanger Resort

Quintessential, this is just one word to describe this spot. This is my second time here, the place is quiet, the staff is lovely and the service was great. 

            Reach Falll

Breathtakingly beautiful, nature is it’s purest form. 

Us all

Learning to appreciate and enjoy the beautiful places in your country is everything. 

Until next time ,much love



My favorite color is yellow or so I have been telling myself; I like the way it look against my skin tone and for that reason I tend to stick to that color scheme a lot. This mustard blouse my friend made for me a few years back, I do not wear it much but I love it today just as when I first got it.  I really like out it allows me to glow as well as it complements my skin perfectly. 

What’s your favorite color?  

Thanks for stopping by. 
